Lantern Marketing is now part of Guide MKTG.  🎉  Read about the acquisition here.

Are you an expert?

A local tattoo shop has a small sign in their window that says “We fix cheap tats.” I can only imagine the ink they’ve seen on people who wanted to save a few bucks but immediately regretted not going to an expert.

Anyone can claim they’re good at something. And in many states you can get a business license for less than $100. But savvy customers will look for proof that you’re actually an expert. 

You should include a section on your homepage that demonstrates your authority. This isn’t random bragging, but it’s evidence that backs up the promises you’ve made.


Let your current customers convince the new ones. This is called “social proof.” And people put a lot of stock in it. Testimonials should:

  • be short (1–2 sentences) 
  • include a name and real photo
  • focus on how you helped them transform their life


There are always people for whom numbers are persuasive. Stats could be:

  • How many customers you’ve served
  • Years you’ve been in business
  • Awards you’ve won
  • Time you’ve saved your customers
  • Dollars you’ve saved or made for your customers (this is not your business’ revenue, this is your customers’ success)


Including a logo list on your site isn’t necessary, but it can help answer the questions “Do I have anything in common with their current clients?” and “Who else trusts this company to be an authority?”

  • Projects you’ve worked on
  • Clients you’ve worked with
  • Media or press coverage

Action Step:

Review your homepage and pay attention to how you’re demonstrating authority. It doesn’t have to be a long section (remember, your marketing is 90% about your customer’s story), but you should back up your authority with some proof.

    For the past six months, every blog we’ve posted has told you to make your marketing all about your customers. Today, we want you to talk about yourself. If you’re an expert at solving your customers’ problem, demonstrate that on your website using testimonials, stats, and logos.


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