Lantern Marketing is now part of Guide MKTG.  🎉  Read about the acquisition here.


Macatawa Technologies
Messaging & Website

Macatawa Technologies offers technology management and support for local, small and mid-sized businesses. Their messaging and website didn’t clearly describe the problems they solved or reflect their high level of professionalism. We worked with the Mac Tech leadership team to write new messaging and launch a new website.

Project Goals:

  • Define different client types and identify their ideal client
  • Write messaging specific to their ideal client
  • Communicate clearly and consistently
  • Design a compelling website that leadership was proud to promote 
  • Generate more leads

Messaging & Marketing Tools We Used

Clear Company Message

Inconsistent words confuse customers. And generalized words don’t create a connection or sense of urgency. For Macatawa Technologies, we developed company-wide messaging and we also wrote messaging specific to each customer type.


Websites provide information but they should also generate sales. We rewrote Macatawa Technologies’ homepage, and we also wrote landing pages for different types of clients. They can enter the site on a page that speaks directly to them. This is highly effective when your products are tailored to specific customers.

The Results

Static image of Macatawa's website before they hired Guide MKTG

Before: An unclear and underperforming website

that leadership didn’t want to promote
  • Visually outdated
  • Minimal, unfocused content
  • No consistent Call To Action
  • Messaging was too technical
  • Navigation wasn’t organized
  • Blogs were not working
  • No privacy policy
Static image of the top few sections of Macatawa's website after Guide MKTG re-wrote and built it

After: A clear, professional website built to convert

  • Clean modern look that reflects their professionalism
  • Messaging is focused and clear so visitors understand the problems that Macatawa Technologies solves
  • Clear and easy-to-find Call-To-Action buttons so visitors know how to start a relationship
  • Clean, organized navigation so visitors aren’t distracted from the primary Call to Action
  • Blogs are working, so visitors can access information and aren’t turned off by a non-functioning website
  • Privacy policies installed so the company is compliant and has increased protection from liability

Your business is too important to rely on random marketing.

You have the solution to your customers’ problems. Let’s use clear language and a focused website to make sure they know about it.

Our website was outdated and our messaging was not impactful. We looked for someone who could truly understand our business and help us work through a process defining who we are.

We brought some challenges to the table, but Guide MKTG pushed us when we needed it.

The end result is fantastic! We finally feel very good about our messaging and website and how we are presenting ourselves to companies looking for IT support.

Tony Dykstra

Macatawa Technologies

StoryBrand can help!

Macatawa Technologies’ messaging and marketing strategy is based on StoryBrand principles. StoryBrand is a 7-part marketing framework that has helped thousands of companies communicate clearly with their customers so their businesses grow. We are certified in this model and use it to create marketing that gets impressive results for our clients of all sizes and types. Ask us about it when you schedule a call.