Pine & Company CPAs Hiring
Not having enough tax professionals on staff meant that Pine & Company CPAs was turning down work. They needed help attracting high-quality tax pros who would fit with their professional approach and highly intentional corporate culture. We worked with Pine to update their careers page and arm the recruiting firm with the words they would need to pursue and convert high-quality candidates.
Project Goals:
- Increase the number of qualified candidates that apply
- Build a page that accurately and attractively describes what it’s like to work at Pine
- Encourage applicants to explore the company’s website
- Provide professional recruiting firm with the pre-application and post-application emails, inMails, and scripts they need to pursue (cold outreach) candidates
Messaging & Marketing Tools We Used

Clear Company Message
The same messaging principles that attract customers can be used to attract employees. We developed a message that could be used across all hiring initiatives.

Website Landing Page
Worthwhile employees will check out your website. Reward their effort with a page that’s written especially for them.

Job Descriptions
Candidates are interested in much more than compensation and benefits — especially if they’re going to leave their current position for a new one. This piece is KEY to your success.

inMail & Email Messages
For Pine, recruiting through LinkedIn was essential. The recruiting firm needed effective inMails to send — ones that actually got opened. Once a connection was made, they needed emails to continue the conversation.
The Results
Average time visitors spend reading their Careers page
of the people who visited their Careers page clicked “Apply”
qualified applicants in the first month (compared to 4 the month before)
Tax professionals added to their team within the first 2 months
How would business change if you had all the help you need?
Imagine being able to say “yes” to every customer, every job. No more waitlist or backlog. No more turning down work. No more doing the work yourself. We can help you find high-quality candidates.
We are now getting hundreds of qualified applicants per month thanks to the content Guide MKTG wrote. We’ve hired 4 tax professionals in the first 6 weeks and have more in process.
I’m networked with dozens of other CPA firms who are turning away client work because they don’t have enough staff. I’ve told them to hire GUIDE to create all of their hiring content.

StoryBrand can help you hire!
Pine & Co’s messaging and marketing strategy is based on StoryBrand principles. StoryBrand is a 7-part marketing framework that has helped thousands of companies communicate clearly with their customers so their businesses grow. We are certified in this model and use it to create marketing that gets impressive results for our clients of all sizes and types. Here’s the secret: The same strategies we use to bring you ideal customers can be used to bring you ideal employees. The power of story works for both. Ask us about it when you schedule a call.