Lantern Marketing is now part of Guide MKTG.  🎉  Read about the acquisition here.


Stripe A Lot Hiring

Stripe A Lot is the highest-rated asphalt company in their community. But even the best asphalt job is a hard one — hot, smelly, sometimes dangerous, wrecks your clothes… We worked with them two summers in a row, dialing in their messaging on their careers page and job descriptions. Now, they have more qualified candidates than they need.

Project Goals:

  • Increase the number of applicants
  • Make hiring more efficient by being blunt about the less-than-desirable parts of the job before they sit down for an interview
  • Increase recruitment from existing employees by offering a creative hourly wage bonus

Messaging & Marketing Tools We Used

Careers Message

The same messaging principles that attract customers can be used to attract employees. We developed a message that could be used across all hiring initiatives.

Careers Landing Page

Worthwhile employees will check out your website. Reward their effort with a page that’s written especially for them.

Job Descriptions

Candidates are interested in more than just compensation — especially if they’re going to leave their current position for a new one. This piece is KEY to your success.

Stripe A Lot’s Results

Fewer No-Shows

Because they were blunt about the hard parts of the job, more applicants showed up and stuck around.

Complete Team

They hired a crew leader and enough team members to add another crew to their schedule. This allowed them to clear their client waitlist!

Reserve List

They have a list of qualified applicants they can turn to if they need to fill future positions.

How would business change if you had all the help you need?

Imagine being able to say “yes” to every customer, every job. No more waitlist or backlog. No more turning down work. No more doing the work yourself. We can help you find high-quality candidates.

Asphalt is a good, honest job, and our team at Stripe A Lot is great. But it’s hard to get people to apply (and hard to get them to stay). Guide MKTG helped us get really honest about the good parts and the bad parts of our industry. They wrote everything we needed to advertise the position. Now, we hire more people who stick around because they know what they’re getting when they accept the position — a hot, hard job, but an honest wage, and a team they’re part of.

Nick Knapp

Stripe A Lot

Stripe A Lot 2024 Hiring Campaign
Stripe A Lot 2024 Hiring Campaign

The StoryBrand Framework can help you hire!

Stripe A Lot’s messaging and marketing strategy is based on StoryBrand principles. StoryBrand is a 7-part marketing framework that has helped thousands of companies communicate clearly with their customers so their businesses grow. We are certified in this model and use it to create marketing that gets impressive results for our clients of all sizes and types. Here’s the secret: The same strategies we use to bring you ideal customers can be used to bring you ideal employees. The power of story works for both. Ask us about it when you schedule a call.