Best Practice #3: Describe What You Offer Employees
As you can see with the two career page examples above, your careers page isn’t just a list of available positions.
Although it is important to include the actual job openings on your careers page, that shouldn’t be the bulk of the content. Instead, focus on what potential employees really want. Most job seekers are looking for more than just a paycheck.
A great careers page always answers these three questions:
- How can working with your company make a prospective employee’s life better?
- What kind of person will thrive in your company?
- Why should they choose to work with you instead of your competitors?/ What do you offer that sets you apart from other companies?
Take the time to learn exactly what your ideal job candidate is looking for in a position and then highlight how you meet those needs on your careers page.
Job seekers often want to find:
- Healthy work-life balance
- Positive company culture
- Company values that align with their own core values
- Meaningful work
- Opportunity for advancement
- Growth and professional development
- Attractive employee benefits packages
You likely already meet many of those needs and wants. Intentionally highlight how you do that on your careers page.
Best Practice #4: Stay Focused
The entire careers page should be dedicated to what potential candidates are interested in learning about your company, nothing more. This is not the place to talk about the company’s history, the story of your founder or the current owner’s favorite hobbies. Stay focused on what potential candidates really want to know: How will this job make their lives better?
Best Practice #5: Include Employee Testimonials
The best career pages use the same techniques used to sell a product or service to sell a prospective candidate a job. One of the most powerful marketing tools is the power of social proof.
By including testimonials from employees, you validate the promises you have made to a job candidate through your careers page. A candidate can see firsthand how working with your company has already changed someone else’s life. This makes it easier for them to picture themselves in the same situation, experiencing a similar transformation.
At the very least you want to include a few quotes from current employees highlighting how working with you has made their lives better. If you really want to add a personal touch, include multiple videos of employees sharing their testimonials.
Best Practice #6: Describe the Application Process
When applying for a new job, people want to know what to expect. On your careers page, describe what your hiring process entails.
Clearly outline how long it will take for applicants to hear from you, how many interviews are included in your recruitment process and how quickly you are hoping to fill open positions.
Setting clear expectations will help you attract candidates that fit your timeline.
Best Practice #7: Make it Look Good
Most job postings are long, boring and incredibly difficult to read (without zoning out or falling asleep). Your careers page should be anything but boring.
Use images, videos, compelling design and a clear layout to entice job seekers to continue scrolling down your career page. The best company career pages aren’t quickly thrown together afterthoughts. They are just as intentional as the rest of the company website.
Without great employees, you can’t offer an outstanding product or service. Bring in qualified applicants with a careers page that reflects company culture, shows how working for your company can make an employee’s life better, and details exactly what they can expect during the application process.
If you are too overwhelmed and understaffed to create a good careers page, contact Guide MKTG today. We will help you create a strong careers page and a recruitment plan so you can fill your open positions and keep growing your business.