What if you changed just 2–4 words on your website and doubled your leads, or filled your calendar, or made this next quarter more profitable than any other?
What are these magical, money-making words, you ask?
Your Call to Action, also known as your “CTA.”
Your website has a button that visitors press to take the first step toward buying your product or service, or engaging with your non-profit. (If you don’t have a CTA button, we really need to talk. This will be a game changer!)
What are the words on your CTA button?
Are they things like “get info” or “our process” or “learn more”?
Phrases like those aren’t compelling enough. They don’t have enough clarity or energy. They don’t make you money.
We’ve put together a guide full of more powerful phrases you can use for your CTA.
click the image to download your free pdf