What if you went to a store, loaded up your cart, but couldn’t find a checkout? What if you wanted to place an order with a sales person, but you couldn’t find a single employee?
It would be crazy to build a sales environment but make it hard or confusing for customers to buy. You’d abandon your shopping cart and never return to that store. Right?
So why do so many businesses build their website (their key sales tool) but make it hard to buy?
We’ve talked before about the Call to Action button on your website, and the kind of words you should put on it. (If you want a refresher, download our free Call-to-Action Guide, with 72 powerful phrases you can use for your website CTA buttons).
So let’s assume that you’ve got an active, compelling CTA button. And it’s visually obvious in an eye-catching, on-brand color. Where do you put this button? Put your CTA in every key section of your site.
- In the upper right of the website
- In the Header
- In the Stakes section
- In the Guide section
- In the Plan section
- In the Explanation/FAQ section
- Right above the Footer
😮 “Whoa!” you say. “That’s pushy! I don’t want to bother people or appear desperate.”
Offering people the opportunity to say “yes” to your solution to their problem is not annoying. If you truly believe you can solve their problem, don’t be shy. You may think being subtle when you ask for the sale is the same thing as being polite, but your customer sees it as a lack of confidence.
Your job is to make it easy for your customer to buy, the moment they’re ready. And you never know when that moment might be, so make your CTA button convenient.