What do you want to eat / watch / wear / read / work on next / buy / drive / change / do tonight… What do you want?!
We answer “want” questions all day long. Add them all up, and we’re spending a lot of mental energy just determining what we want (that’s even before we figure out how to get it).
The answer might be simple: 🍕 “I want pizza.”
Or it might be a bit more complicated: “I want gluten-free, wood-fired pizza with sausage and anchovies, delivered to my door.”
What do your customers want from you? The key here is clarity (get used to hearing us say that about your marketing).
When you know the answer to that question, you can use those exact words and phrases throughout your marketing. You’ll connect faster with leads and improve your Website SEO (we’ll talk about that in a future blog post).
Avoid common pitfalls: This is not the time to get clever, or think your customers want a thousand things, or use jargon or insider language that’s confusing.
If you’re not sure what your customer wants or sales are telling you that your assumptions may be off, there are ways to ask your customers directly. Set up a free, 30-minute call and we can talk about buyer personas and customer surveys.